Welcome to Rymindr Business

Your Partner in Employee Well-being!

Rymindr Business Bunny

A comprehensive suite of employee benefits that keep your staff healthy, motivated, and productive.

At Rymindr Business, we’re dedicated to the health and well-being of your employees. We understand that a healthy workforce is the key to a successful business. With our comprehensive suite of employee benefits, we help you keep your staff healthy and motivated while reducing sick days and improving retention.

Why Choose Rymindr Employee Rewards?

Elevated Employee Well-being

Our mission is to elevate the well-being of your employees. We understand that when your team is healthy and content, your business can reach new heights.

Reduced Sick Days

By offering fast access to private healthcare and encouraging a proactive approach to health, we help you significantly reduce employee sick days, saving you time and money.

Employee Retention

Rymindr Business plays a crucial role in enhancing employee retention. Happy and healthy employees are more likely to stay with your company for the long term.

Substantial Savings

In the past year alone, we've helped our members access over £100 million in savings, and this year promises even more opportunities for your employees to save.

Rymindr Employee Rewards

By signing up your employees for Rymindr Employee Rewards, they gain access to over 16,000 incredible deals. These exclusive benefits and discounts not only improve their quality of life but also boost morale.

Your Path to Success Begins Here

At Rymindr Business, we believe that your success starts with a healthy, motivated, and content workforce. 

Join us in creating a workplace where well-being is a priority, and you’ll experience the difference it can make to your business. Let’s work together to unlock a brighter future for your company and your employees.


Rymindr for schools

Rymindr is on a mission to make a significant impact on schools and communities across the UK.

With Rymindr, employees gain access to incredible time and money-saving benefits through our app, and they also have the power to nominate schools in need. We share our profits with these schools and their families, making a real difference in two crucial areas: fighting child food poverty and providing essential resources to schools facing funding pressures. Employers, this is your chance to not only support your staff and their families but also contribute to positive change. Click “Read More” to discover how your involvement with Rymindr can be a catalyst for transforming lives and communities.

Ready to discover the benefits of Rymindr Employee Rewards?

Explore our Employee Benefits, get in touch with us, or check out our pricing options. 

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